Tuesday 13 March 2012

my semi-paleo diet, and stuff

As I type, a snowstorm whisles outside my window. -21 windchill, three days ago it was +11. Alberta is a land of extremes this is certain. Anyhow, I haven't had a sandwich for over two months, no cookies, cereal, pastry (a couple pieces of birthday cake only), pasta, crackers, basically anything wheat based. Also very little refined sugar. I have not been pushing myself in the excersize department, just a few good mtb rides so far. I eat a large breakfast and a large dinner. Usually no lunch, as I don't really build up an appetite at work, just an apple and some nuts to keep the growlies at bay. I have lost 14 lbs in two months and I feel pretty darn good to boot. I no longer find myself craving food throughout the day, nor do I worry about portion control or counting calories. So, for now at least I shall stay the course on my semi-paleo diet, and will do my best to buy more locally grown foods, luckily the "Land of Plenty" has an abundance of selection.
Life has a funny way of keeping you humble if you pay attention the the cues, it seems when things have been going real good for a while, you will undoubtly lose someone or something near and dear to you, when this happens there is always a lesson to be learned. Things have been going well for myself of late and for that I am grateful. I owe alot of my new happiness to a very special man, he is my inspiration to live my life to the fullest and to love and care for my family and friends the best way that I can. Thank you, Grandpa. You will forever be in my heart.
So, what else is there? I really hope we all sit back once and a while and give thanks, I try to at least once a day, this world changes so fast it's easy to get caught up in the race...personally I'm in no hurry to get to the finish line.

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