Tuesday 11 December 2012

Back in Black

Hi guys and gals! It's been a while eh? To be honest with you I have been thinking about the blog lately, pondering my future in social media and how I can either (a)stop it all together, (b)keep laying low and pretend it doesn't exist or (c)give it another go and try to make it exciting again. My biggest reason for laying low as of late is simply my work schedule, I have not been working a night shift and therefor do not have that transition shift where I used to find time to write. I am also going through a bit of a lesson in humility, I really need to get away from pushing my ideas, let go of some of my grandious visions and just be a contributing member of my community. I still feel a strong sense of leadership, that is just part of me that will not die. I believe that by leading by example, calmly and quietly, your message will get through to those who are ready and willing to learn and share your common goal. So yes, I admit it, I have been pushy, demanding and biased when it comes to certain changes I have made in my life and if any of you who read my blog have been concerned, offended or otherwise, I sincerely apologize and hope that I can withdraw my urge to be 'popular' for lack of a better term. When it all boils down most of what we do from day to day is rather self serving and we do need to slow down once in a while. That being said, I am back on this crazy schedule of seven days, seven nights, seven off. I should find time once again to write! I am excited because I get to watch myself, I want to se if I can stick to my guns, it is difficult to keep your ego in check. I often find myself caught up in conversations about other people, you know what I am talking about here, the classic office gossip, the rumour mill. These petty little words that you use to make yourself feel better than that guy or girl. It's all self serving bullshit! It drives me crazy because I know it's wrong, yet I still do it. So, I hope in this admission of guilt there is reprive. Possibly, just maybe, by actually printing these words the message will finally get through this thick skull. It may be difficult to avoid these types of conversations, I guess I will have to figure out something to skirt to chatter to a different topic, or just outright say that I would rather not talk about other peoples' problems or shortcomings. I have enough of my own, thankyou very much! I truly wish you all the best in the new year, happy holidays, enjoy your family and friends, and please find time to give a little back to your community in any way that you can, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to you.


  1. Good to see your writing again. I have been dealing with the same feelings about social media and spreading the message. I just don't think many people are ready for the word, and I am getting more and more frustrated by it all. It makes me ill how folks are treating themselves, no smiling faces, no energy. I am beginning to wonder how much more effort I can put into all this stuff, and still have time to do what I need to do. Is blogging and tweeting getting me somewhere, or should I actually be out doing, building skills, security, learning, doing chores etc. Being plugged in all the time has really had an effect on my life, and I am not sure it is in a good way. Having a tough time with this cross road, wondering where to go from here. There needs to be more balance and more peacefulness in my world, and it is feels like a caffeine fueled fire that is un-extinguishable. Maybe I need to step back and re-evaluate. I am enjoying lots of the extra curricular activities, but prioritizing what is most important and realizing personal goals, happiness and peace are just as needed, probably more so. Thanks for letting me vent a little, maybe I can sleep now.

  2. No doubt. All this connectivity bullshit is very unnatural. It is to easy to get wrapped up in it like it actually matters. You should get yourself a "dumb" phone! Leave the personal electronic leash at home while you are at work or whatever. I only permit myself to about an hour or so of screen time per day. Even that seems like too much when you write it down! We really don't need to be connected everywhere we go. I also believe that by being so connected we allow ourselves into other peoples lives way to often. Why do I care that someone in some town I never heard of eats only lentils and organic kale? Or why Joe Blow in LA eats 55 big macs a month? Or why the fed is lying to us about our own health because they rely on the tax dollars from big ag and big pharm (same thing btw) to support a crumbling system that could shitcan at any time? I care because the internet told me to. Without it I would be just another conforming, facist gov't supporting, fat, pissed off Canadian. So, I guess that's a round about view of it. Good in small doses.
