Thursday, 15 December 2011

episode 10: writers block?

Hello everyone! With the holidays near and lots of other projects on the go I sort of feel as though I have been neglecting the blog posts, not that I am bound to this or anything. I finally started running again, this time on the treadmill as the snow covered Northern Alberta ground has chased me indoors for exersize. At first I was sceptical as to my enjoyment level of stationary running, but I must admit I rather enjoy it. I have challenged myself to get below an eight minute mile by the new year which means I have to knock a full minute off my current pace. I am going to try for eight and a half by the end of this weekend, that gives a whole two weeks to knock off the remaining thirty seconds. I prefer my mountain bike this is for certain! A thirty minute hill climb on the bike is much easier than nine minutes of running. To be honest the hardest part of this whole idea is working up the motivation to do it, it's much easier to write blog posts.
I have been putting off writing about certain topics that are of my concern. I do not know the reasoning behind it, but you never know who might be reading your stuff so I suppose I am being cautious. Many of you know that I work in the mining/energy sector. There is obviously a tonne of controversy surrounding this field right now and I would not want to jeoprodize any of my relationships by saying the wrong thing, even if I see it as the right thing. My only hope is that we can all find a way for this industry to work while maintaining a strict adherance to environmental principles and practices. I will say that as a person in the field I see many good things happening as well as many improvments that need to be made. I am happy to say that I have never worked in a position where safety of the workforce has been prioritized as highly as it has in this one. The rest of it is up to us as a voting public to chose leaders that can maintain the best environmental and trading practices to ensure a healthy balance of ethical growth. There are plenty of ways to voice your opinion on some of the major issues surrounding this industry and I encourage everyone who cares about the future of this planet to become involved in some way.
Well then, with winter approaching and holidays near I wish everyone the best and I will most likely have a couple more posts before the new year, I had a bit of a mishap with my ceasar salad recipe last week, so I will try to get it up on Christmas Eve, that is when I am planning to make it next, this time I will add the oil slower so the mayo doesn't seperate. I also learned that baking is not my forte, but Corbin loved my cookies just the same. Kids will eat anything if there's enough sugar in it.

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