Wednesday 26 February 2014

Of Weal and Wealth

Today I would like to discuss a definition. The definition of wealth. I have cited a few online dictionaries and have a slightly different view on the term.
You see most definitions of wealth speak of intrinsic value, they imply a monetary value to the word. They define wealth as the collection of material items or monies. Items that can be used as collateral or trade. In this search I found the root of the word which is weal (pronounced well). Weal is a state of wellness that goes beyond the wallet. In communal terms, the common weal of the people is a measure of the health and prosperity of a community.
To me wealth is an egoic term. Wealth is dangerous. Wealth or the lust for it causes war, destuction of the ecosystem, and the statifacation of society. It is hierarchical. It is non inclusive. It is what our current model is based upon. Capitalist, consumerist, disgusting. You see it is my belief that by chasing wealth you are in fact making yourself and others sick and are directly contributing to the desecration of your home. You must understand that your home is more than just the four walls that surround you. Your home is your neighborhood, your town, your province, your country. Your earth is your home. It is the only place in the universe where you, as a living creature can survive.
The earth is regenerative. It uses its rivers and oceans to cleanse the atmosphere and regulate climate. It uses plants and animals to heal damaged ecosystems and create successive, biodiverse communities that have one thing in common. Weal. Natural ecosytems are interdependent. From the microscopic nematodes to the mycelium to the rhizome all the way up to the bear, the puma and the raptor, each organism contributes to the common health and prosperity of the system. Fungi, prarie grasses, krill, salmon. These are keystone species, organisms that the natural world relies on for survival. Humans are not a keystone species.
If we want to survive we must embrace weal. For our common well being is interdependent on the health of our environment. Weal is stewardship. Weal is forgiveness. Weal is healing. Weal is love. Weal is easy. It is what nature intended for us.

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