Wednesday 19 October 2011

episode 1: the brotherhood of the rambling rants

As I find myself trying to prepare for another set of nightshifts I have many hours to contemplate. You see, I must stay awake as long as possible, then sleep throughout the day tomorrow. I truly hope a good idea comes to mind, otherwise this could just be me typing out words that only make sense because they are in sentences. Now, let's get on with the topic. The reason why I began writing this blog is fairly simple, I believe that has been covered in my introductory post. I find that many times I end up writing long posts on facebook but still feel like some things have been left out, this is where the blog comes in. What better spot to go on a rambling rant than on your own blog! This way I don't have to clog up someones' i-phone screen with a bunch of b.s. that could have been thought up in some 4 a.m. epiphany. Any epiphanies of great importance can now be posted here, documented for safe keeping. Speaking of which, I thought of this one the other day on my evening run. There are two things in life that you can't run away from, ugly is one, and God is the other. You may as well embrace both of them because it makes life a heck of alot easier when you have confidence in yourself and God on your side. I don't care if you believe in Jesus Christ or Buddha or the forest or ocean, all of us were put here to co-exist with eachother and the rest of the planet's creatures. Once you become in touch with your spirituality you begin to see life in a new light. You realize the world does not revolve around yourself, but you are merely a link in the chain. You realize that regardless of attractiveness, brain power, physical strength or material wealth, we as humans are all created equal. Some are specialized in certain areas, we all have potential to learn and to teach. I now live my life with my eyes wide open.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you on here. Now I have competition. haha. Nice post. We are just a link and the world doesn't revolve around us. Everyone needs to realize this before we extinct every creature on this planet. We can't act like we dominate all creatures, we have to co-operate with them.
