Saturday 19 November 2011

episode 8: all this stuff and no time to use it

It has been a terrific year for this guy. I recently celebrated a very important milestone in my life, one year of sobriety. This new way of life has brought to me several gifts which although I worked hard to earn, I never could have afforded living how I used to. My problem now is finding balance between work and play. I often find myself not leaving enough time for leisure activities. My poor mountain bike has been hanging on the wall collecting dust for the past two months. The good news is we have a wicked pile of firewood for next season and some landscape projects are under way thanks to the Kubota, but with all the rain I have to be careful not to get it burried in the mud, already had to winch it out once. The 5th wheel is tarped up for the winter. We have alot of ideas for the house, but I am getting tired of setting up shop in the basement and having my tools spread out everywhere only breeds frustration. I guess my next project should be a dedicated workshop. Once I can get that done, all the other little jobs like trim and tiling will be much easier to handle. My point is, if I can somehow streamline my work tasks, maybe I will have a little more time for that bike. I guess this is turning out to be a rambler. I don't have a ton of time before Christmas is here to get much work done around the house, so I am focussing on some maintainance projects and getting rid of some junk. Right now all a guy can do is take it day by day. You will never get back the time you waste worrying about all the time you wasted.

1 comment:

  1. You got that right, you never get back the time you waste worrying about the time you wasted. Life is to short to be stressed about not getting to go out and play. You just have to decided what it more important. I always decide that recreation takes precedent over all other. My idea on what an ideal house is, is changing by the fact that I am sick of fixing, cleaning, maintaining and stressing about all three of these things. I am thinking more and more that renting might be the way to go, and put the 2000 dollars a year in a savings account that you would pay for taxes.
